Twitter is known for its 140-character limit. In fact, it just may be one of the things that is still pretty cool about Twitter. You don’t have to worry about seeing extra lengthy tweets as you casually scroll through your timeline. However, Twitter may be putting an end to that.


According to reports, Twitter is currently testing out using 280-characters for tweets. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on who you ask. Do we really want longer tweets?


280-characters isn’t really a whole lot more, and maybe it will help users accurately express their thoughts in one tweet versus having to break them up into multiple tweets just to get their points across. The shorter characters have also impacted different languages. For example, you can obviously express way more using Chinese, Japanese, and Korean symbols than you can using words from the English language. So apparently, this is Twitter’s way of attempting to even the playing field.


Twitter is only testing the increased characters for now, but soon we may see more paragraphs on our timelines.