Major Victory For Standing Rock Sioux Tribe!


The Obama administration has reportedly stopped the drilling of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline.  

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has been in an ongoing fight to save their land from government destruction for some time and thousands of supporters have come to stand in solidarity with them. It seems justice may finally be survived, the army has decided to look into alternative routes. However, the orders were given by the Obama Administration, and soon Trump will be the one in in charge of making these decisions. Trump is in support of the 1,170-mile pipeline being drilled near the reservation.

Trump could very well get into office, and overturn the decision. Also, the “alternative routes” could possibly cause other problems depending on the route they actually take. However, an environmental review is being pushed, which could take years and could potentially stall the building of the pipeline for a while. In the meantime, this is a win for the tribe and its one to be celebrated.