What have you done for your dad lately?

Father’s Day is just around the corner.

The role of a father is a major key in the life of every child. So often, mothers are praised while fathers are kind of left out. However, for the Fathers who play an active role in their children’s lives, you matter. You most definitely matter. You will always matter.

Sometimes the importance of the presence of a father is overlooked but having that male role model, or father figure, can greatly impact a person.Fathers heal and nourish in ways mothers cannot, which is why both are of equal importance.

To the fathers who consistently show up for the duties of fatherhood, we salute you. If you are a dad who has contributed to the upbringing and support of your children, we salute you.

Every day, fathers should be shown love, but on Father’s Day, let’s show the dads a little extra appreciation. Take your dad out, or call him up to just let him know you acknowledge and appreciate all he’s done. And this doesn’t have to be your biological father, this could be any type of father figure whom you admire and who has been there for you time and time again throughout your life. Show the man, or the men who have helped mold you into the person you are today, how much their presence, time, energy, and words of wisdom has made all the difference in your life.

POPATL is currently selling custom tees for Father’s Day, so if you don’t know how to tell your dad you appreciate him, or just don’t have any idea on what to get him, say it all with a t-shirt! Be sure to browse our Father’s Day gift selections by clicking here or  the “Gifts For Dad” tab on our homepage.